Friday, July 12, 2013


This is my first summer spent mostly in Chicago. I moved out of Pemberley a week ago tomorrow. What if I just kept rhyming this whole blog post

Catie and I went to the dog beach in Belmont Harbor one day when they were showing our apartment unexpectedly. best place.

This was the view out the living room window if you never got a chance to see it

This was One Big Bed, rest in holy peace forever. 

We went home for a day or two and caught Matty right before he was going to Milwaukee

Things I could think about forever:

Visited with Grandpa and ate chocolate cake

Rosie gets really jealous and protective and wants hugs if you hug someone too much

This guy

Catie and I went to Doughnut Vault to get breakfast when Donimic came in for the Blackhawks parade

There were a lot of aluminum foil stanley cups which is really dumb and funny to me

Donuts were great. I had a blueberry old-fashioned, Catie had vanilla I think, Donimic had hazelnut?? or something, I don't remember really. took a choc one home for Mom

People run to get a spot on the barricade

Then we decided waiting for the actual parade wasn't worth it and left before it started, lol

Which meant the red line was deserted and we got home in A+ time


I went and picked up the keys for Stars Hollow and then went to wait for Rachel/ the u-haul to arrive but then there were complications so I just went to help pack the u-haul instead

Rachel gave Adrian a Best Human award

Then I moved on the 6th and was very lucky to have movers + a great family to help make things cozy

One day I was laying in bed before work and it was raining and all the sudden this branch cracked off of the tree outside my window across the alley :o

I like taking the brown line a lot

Mid shift --> seeing the sunset from the train

Whenever I see these flowers I think of my mom because she loves them

more soon- summer is full swinging!

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