Thursday, November 14, 2013

october sky

Last month Catie took Donimic and I to a Chicago Public Media chef battle event thing she was helping with at work so we had a sleepover and lots of fun. It's weird to be old enough that Dom can just come in to the city to visit on his own so we can go do adult things and eat fancy food. Us older siblings always said that he would grow up to be way cooler than any of us and it's honestly true. best lil bro.
also if you want to get me a hella present, like, ever, a film scanner would rule........... sigh!

Dominic did his demonstration speech in speech class about paper airplanes so I made him demonstrate using our program. It was very moody lighting so this is something like a 1s exposure.

Basically we just chilled/walked around eating little deserts and things for a few hours so by the time we got back home we were all actually hungry and ordered delivery burgers and watched coldplay music videos bc I've been obsessed lately and Dom can appreciate x&y like nobody else I know

The next morning Catie went to work and me and Dom walked to breakfast. Buzz here was chillin on a stump

We both got the house special (Dom got banana pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs and I got french toast, bacon, and scrambled egg) and it was very good.
Then I had a few days off so went home to hang with Math before he left. Catie and I took the train together.

Didn't quite come across but there was a rainbow reflecting onto Matt's eyeball

Family dinner; I forget what the high-five was for but Mom made great raviolis

I am in this photo but you cannot see me I am like a ghost in the grass
I was barefoot and the ground was very cold, that's mostly what I remember

Then I went back to Chicago and these are my fancy feet on the stairs

Chicago has been rainy and freezing cold and generally disgusting

Catie and I had hella mushroom soup

Then I went home again very quick for Matt's goodbye party but forgot my camera (see other post here) and then worked a bunch and then came back home while Matt and Mom were driving across the country so the remaining 3 of us could hang since we had all planned to go to Yeezus and had requested time off for it anywayyy

The end!!!!

going away (matt --> pdx)

We had a big breakfast party because brother Matt moved to Portland ! In typical fashion Mom went all out and prepared a feast, and just about all of the extended fam came over and we ate and made merry. It was very nice. (these are from a disposable so mind the quality~ etc)

okay how silly is my grandpa????

GOOD LUNCH MATH!!!!!!! :) :) :) i love you